Animal Adventures

Animal Adventures

Animal Adventures

Most of Europe is in the temperate climate zone, meaning that temperatures generally stay pretty mild. Many areas within Europe’s temperatures are regulated by the warm water in the Gulf Stream and the Mediterranean Sea. Wind carries the heat of these bodies of water to surrounding land, preventing the air temperature from getting as cold as it otherwise would be. Eastern parts of Europe tend to be colder because there is no nearby Ocean to regulate the temperature.



Geckos have hairlike structures on their toes that bond to any surface they step on. This allows them to run across tree branches and even crawl up walls and across ceilings. Geckos are one of very few types of lizards to have a voice and sound a little bit like a...

Giant Squid

Giant Squid

At 10 inches (25cm) in diameter, giant squids have the second largest eyes out of any animal. Their huge eyes help them see deep underwater where it would be too dark for most animals to see anything at all. Because they live so deep undersea, scientists know very...

Great White Shark

Great White Shark

Great white sharks rely on stealth when they hunt. When they choose a target to be their prey they position themselves underneath it so they can swim straight up and burst out of the water to catch it. Great white sharks have an excellent sense of smell and can...

Green Sea Turtle

Green Sea Turtle

Green sea turtles spend most of their time underwater and can spend up to 5 hours before coming up for air when they’re resting. They have long migrations from their feeding to nesting sites and have been recorded to travel over 1,615 miles (2,600km). When females...

Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf

 Wolves live as communities and all raise their young, hunt, and protect their territory together. A wolf’s howl can be heard from 10 miles (16km) away and each pack has its own unique howl. Wolf pups are very playful and enjoy chasing each other and...

Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead sharks’ heads are very useful for hunting, especially for their favorite food, stingrays. The location of their eyes on the sides of their head allows them to scan their surroundings quickly and they can use their flat wide heads to pin their prey down...

Harp Seal

Harp Seal

Harp seals are also known as “saddlebacks'' because of the saddle shaped markings on their pelts. They spend the majority of their time in the water and are excellent swimmers. They can hold their breath underwater for up to 15 minutes and can dive up to 1,200 feet...



Hedgehogs are born with short, soft spikes that lengthen and sharpen as they grow up. These spikes help protect hedgehogs from predators by making them too prickly for other animals to grab or eat. Hedgehogs often add to their defenses by chewing up plants that are...



 There are three different types of honeybees. Most females are workers who forage for food and protect the hive, one queen is the single fertile female of a hive and spawns the next generation, and the male bees, which are called drones, stay in the hive...



Jerboas are small desert dwelling rodents which look sort of like miniature kangaroos. Like kangaroos, they move around by hopping and when they’re chased they can reach speeds of 15 miles (24km) per hour. Jerboas’ tails can be longer than their heads and bodies....

Animal Types







Animal Regions






South America

North America

Letter from Haibu

Welcome to the wide world of me, Haibu! I’m so happy you found your way to my site - it’s always fun meeting new people. In fact, I’ve met a lot of new people in the past couple of years.

My best friend, Kanuux and I met on my crazy adventure in New York. He’s technically a seal but he’s a person in my mind. That might be because I can speak to animals like they’re people.

I met pretty much all the orphans at the Barrington House Orphanage in New York City but grew very close with Scotty, Olli, and Zeek. They’re always up for helping me help the animals but that’s only part of why I love them with my whole heart. They’re funny, courageous, empathetic, and my goodness I just appreciate them so much.

They helped me rescue Wiz, Eron, Bishop, and a bunch of other animals from a trafficking ship so now all of those animals are our friends too!

The connections that I have with my friends, both the animal and human kind, have helped me see the world with fresh eyes. I’ve seen the unique struggles and pain they’ve been through without losing love or hope in their hearts. I know that humans are all capable of love and getting along if we just take the time to listen to each other without judgment.

Everyone has a story, and everyone should feel safe sharing it. My friendships have shown me the potential our world has and that’s what I strive to make happen in my lifetime – animals and humans are meant to thrive together.

I hope we can be friends too and you can help me make this world a better place. If you haven’t checked out the world with all the fun animal content on the home page yet, get on it!

Animal Types







Animal Regions






South America

North America